The many books of the bible are full of stories. Some of these claim to depict the history of the creation of the world. Others the history of the Hebrew people. Parts of these stories are supported by evidence. Others are not. Are any of them true?
There is no doubt that the bible has some history to it. But it is not a historical text. The old Testament tells the story of the Hebrew people as they travel the ancient world. On occasion, places are depicted and people are named. Some of these names and places did really exist. Jerusalem is a real place. So is Egypt. The land of Israel was indeed occupied by Babylon, Greece, Rome and many more. But does this make the rest of it true?
To answer that question we must look at the way the book was written. The old testament was edited during the Roman occupation. At that time many Hebrews would have known the history of their people. They would have certainly known to call each place by location and each leader by name. Even today, in fine bookshops everywhere, we find books depicting fictional stories written into real historical events.
But let’s be honest. The majority of people do not accept these stories because they have studied the evidence. Most accept the bible as true because that is what they were told. We grew up with it. The faith comes later. If some archaeological evidence pops up to support the bible, great. If it refutes it, who cares? None of us are born with an innate knowledge that the bible is true. That is something we must be taught.
The belief that the bible depicts events that actually happened is instilled in us as children. We grow up viewing King David and Jesus Christ as historical figures. We are told the stories of the bible are true while other stories are fairy tales. But what if that were not the case?
Let us imagine for a moment that we grew up differently. Our parents told us of the fairy tale of Jonah and the whale, and then took us to learn the true story of Pinokio and his father who survived in a whale until rescued. Could we tell the difference? If the miracles of Jesus walking on water were just a story and snow whites evil step mothers and her magic mirror were true., would we just laugh away the bible as fiction? I think we might.
The bible seems to be a piece of historical fiction. Some fantastical events written into a real place and time. To fully appreciate this fact we must adorn a veil of ignorance. We must look at this book through the eyes of someone who has never heard of religious worship. A new comer to our literary world. Through those eyes we would not hesitate when asked about the truth of the book. Under such a veil of ignorance, everyone is a sceptic.
You are ignoring the underlying reasons for the Bible, a code of conduct and also a way to explain natural happenings that earlier man did not understand. Thus we can base the story on true events, but weave into it what we want a person to understand or react to.