The undoubted source of Gods all mightiness is, of course, the word 'all'. A simply 'mighty' being could be nice, but it would not be God. The word mighty does well to describe big animals or conquering kings, but in order to impress the meek one needs just a little extra. Infinite power, however, may be more Impressive but is also more complicated.
Infinity is a mathematical term. It is a rhetorical term to describe things that are unending. But despite its wide spread in conversation, Infinity does not exist in reality. There is simply no such thing as infinitely large or small. Nothing goes on forever. Think for a moment of the simple mathematical question: What is infinity minus infinity? How can one even begin to answer such a question. It is a paradox. And questions that pose paradoxes always point toward a flaw in the assumptions of the question - in this case: infinity.
But what does this do to the concept of God? Once stripped from infinity, the concept of God takes an immediate turn in our mind. Suddenly questions begin to surface. If God is not infinitely old, when did he start? Was he born? and if so, who begot him?
We find ourselves asking questions about where he came from, and the limits of his power. Without infinity God seems to be reduced to a powerful alien at best (and a figment of our imagination at worst).
What about the human soul? Even if there is an afterlife, what's the use if it is not infinite. This is great news for those going to Hell but the occupants of Heaven may feel short changed. Without infinity, the soul would not live forever. Which means we will all eventually die. Even if we accept the afterlife as a possibility - it would end eventually.
After removing this thin layer of protection from God, These questions immediately follow. Our imagination cannot grasp infinite power, but finite power we can get our head around. A God which is not infinitely moral may be just regularly moral. Maybe he isn't all around us. Maybe he can't hear all of our prayers. Maybe only some. Or maybe none.
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